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Athens Farmers Market, Llc in Athens, GA

Athens Farmers Market, Llc, located in Athens, Georgia, can be found at 300 Sunset Drive (Bishop Park). This market offers 12 different products for sale. Among these products, Athens Farmers Market, Llc has healthy organic options. In addition, this market offers various payment options.

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Location Information

Address: 300 Sunset Drive (Bishop Park)

Country: United States

State: Georgia

City: Athens

Latitude/Longitude: -83.4118/33.9652

Farm Details

Organic: Y

Date's/Time: 04/06/2013 to 12/21/2013 / Sat: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM;

Payment option:

  • Debit/Credit

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP)

Social Details


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